HOW TO USE IT: Each Zona Plus session takes just under 12 minutes. And the device will lead you through each step during each session. At the start of each session, the device uniquely calibrates to the user’s maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) (meaning that you squeeze as hard as you can on each hand). After that measurement is taken, the device calculates an algorithm for each of four short, two-minute segments.
MANAGEMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS: The Zona Plus is the first of its kind. And, while the physiology is pretty complicated, here is the explanation. The Zona Plus is a handheld, software-controlled device that uses isometric exercise to guide the user through a single session in just under 12 minutes. The device uses biofeedback, uniquely calibrated to each user, to optimize your performance for maximum results.
WHAT IS ISOMETRIC EXERCISE “Isometric” is the Latin word literally meaning “equal measurement.” As this relates to exercise, isometric exercise is the type of muscle contraction in which the muscle is tensed and working, but not actively shortening or lengthening (with no joint movement).
ZONA HEART HEALTH COACHES AVAILABLE FOR SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE - At Zona Health, we understand the challenges of forming new habits. That’s why we are here to support you on your path. Our team of Heart Health Coaches is ready to assist you throughout the Zona Plus program at any time. Whether you reach out to us or we reach out to you, we are dedicated to coaching you on the proper use of your device and addressing any other needs you may have.